
Days of December 2016: day 18

It’s time to do some Christmas shopping.  Usually, this time of the year, the mall is decorating holiday spirits and very festive.  There is Santa for kids to take picture and drop Santa list.  There is people shop and buy gifts for friends and family, or buy for oneself.  It’s that time of the year for “shop till you drop”.  🙂

Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall
Christmas at the mall


One reply on “Days of December 2016: day 18”

Đúng là mùa này đi ra mall là ấm và có không khí nhất. Fan tưởng là “shop until you’re broke” 🙂 🙂 🙂

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