
Days of December 2016: day 16

Today we have our annual Christmas brunch to conclude our festive month, and to thank everyone for a wonderful and a productive year.  As always, the food is what I am looking forward.  This year the food will be half catering and half potluck. Holiday games will play.  Team is already picked.  Trash talk is allowed.  And game on people!

Besides that, I am looking forward going home early after Christmas brunch.  It’s always good to have brunch, going home early, Friday, and pay day.  Is it too much for a day?. 🙂


Days of December 2016: day 15

This year my department decided to have an office/cubicle Christmas decoration contest.  The theme is, of course, Christmas and need to decorate either outside or inside your own area.  Some of my coworkers are thrill to do, while others are reluctantly to join.  It’s another way to show holiday spirits as well as competitive spirit to crush your coworkers during festive month.  When it comes to decoration, people here are very competitive.  Of course, the winner will get a gift card wouldn’t hurt either.

Here is a few images of office/cubicle Christmas decorating.  My images can’t do justice to these beautiful and creative decoration.


Days of December 2016: day 14

My neighborhood is decorating Christmas lights. In the evening, driving around the neighborhood, you can feel the sprits of Christmas, the cool and pretty lights on each house, and the warmth of cold weather. Even people don’t have lights and decorations in their front yard, they have wreath hanging on their door – welcoming Christmas to their home.


Days of December 2016: day 13

Không khí tháng 12 và Noel trên đường ngọai ô.  Thời thiết lạnh và buồn, không nắng, không mưa, mây che phủ cà đường vắng.  Thời tiết này chỉ nằm ở nhà và cho bản thân được lười.


Days of December 2016: day 12

Một bữa ăn đạm bạc, cá salmon sốt cà chua và salad trộn theo kiểu Ý, ăn healthy cho tháng 12.